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Background Check in Hungary

Updated on:
16 Jan, 2024
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Background checks are becoming increasingly important, serving as a critical shield against potential risks and liabilities. Be it hiring employees, renting property, or forming partnerships, these checks provide essential insights into an individual's history, character, and qualifications.

So, Skuad conducts background checks when you partner with us for EOR.

This article explains the intricacies of background checks in Hungary, providing insights into their significance, types, requirements, and legality.

What is an Employee Background Check?

Background check is the process of investigating an individual's history, confirming the accuracy of their credentials, and assessing their suitability for a particular job role. These checks can encompass various aspects of an individual's life, such as their criminal record, work history, education, etc.

For instance, consider a scenario where a multinational corporation is looking to hire a financial manager for its Hungarian branch. They initiate an employee background check to ensure the candidate is qualified and trustworthy. This investigation involves verifying applicants' academic degrees, work history, and financial background and conducting a Hungarian criminal record check. By doing so, the company safeguards its financial assets and reputation and ensures the selected candidate is not a financial risk and is suitable for the role.


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What are the Benefits of Background Checks in Hungary?

The benefits of background checks in Hungary extend far beyond merely ensuring the accuracy of an individual's credentials. They are a powerful tool for risk mitigation, informed decision-making, regulatory compliance, reputation protection, and enhanced safety. Here are some of the benefits in detail:

1. Risk Mitigation

Hiring an employee without a background check poses several threats. By conducting comprehensive checks, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of hiring someone with a problematic history, minimizing potential legal and financial liabilities.

2. Enhanced Decision-Making

Background checks provide you with valuable information about candidates, allowing you to make informed hiring decisions. This ensures that you onboard qualified employees who align with your company's values and culture.

3. Regulatory Compliance

According to Hungarian labor law and industry regulations, background checks are necessary, especially in sensitive sectors like finance, healthcare, and childcare. Adhering to these regulations ensures your organization remains compliant with the law.

Also Read: Labor Laws for Remote Employees 

4. Protection of Reputation

Your company's reputation is invaluable. A background check helps safeguard it by preventing hiring individuals who could harm your brand image through unethical or illegal behavior.

5. Increased Safety

In industries where safety is a top priority, such as manufacturing or healthcare, ensuring the background of employees is free from red flags is vital. It contributes to the overall safety and well-being of your workforce and clients.

What are the Types of Background Checks in Hungary?

Here are some common types of background checks:

Hungarian Criminal Record Check


The Hungarian criminal record check is vital to any background screening process. It involves examining an individual's criminal history, if any, in Hungary. This check is crucial when hiring for positions involving trust, security, or access to sensitive information.


You typically need the candidate's consent for a Hungarian criminal record check. You can then request this information from the Hungarian police or relevant authorities. It's important to note that accessing criminal records without permission is illegal.

Employment History Check in Hungary


Verifying a candidate's work history in Hungary helps ensure that they possess the experience and skills they claim. It's a way to confirm their suitability for the job and to spot any discrepancies in their employment record.


To conduct an employment history check in Hungary, you will need the candidate's permission to contact their previous employers. This step can uncover gaps or inaccuracies in their work history.

Medical Screening


In certain industries, such as healthcare, verifying a candidate's physical and mental health is crucial to ensure they can perform their job safely and effectively. Medical screening may involve drug tests, physical examinations, or mental health assessments, depending on the job requirements.


Medical screening should be conducted by qualified medical professionals to ensure compliance with privacy and discrimination laws. Candidates must provide their consent before undergoing such checks.

Credit History Check


A credit history check is essential for positions involving financial responsibilities, such as accounting or finance. It assesses an individual's financial stability and reliability.


To check a candidate's credit history in Hungary, you need their permission and can obtain the information from credit bureaus or specialized screening agencies.

Education History


Verifying a candidate's educational background ensures that they possess the qualifications necessary for the job. This is particularly important in fields where specific degrees or certifications are mandatory.


To conduct an education history check, you can contact the educational institutions listed on the candidate's resume and request confirmation of their degrees or certifications.

Social Media Check


Social media checks have become increasingly relevant in today's digital age. They can provide insights into a candidate's behavior, attitudes, and alignment with your company's values.


Performing a social media check involves reviewing a candidate's public profiles on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. However, respecting privacy laws and obtaining consent when applicable is essential.

Requirements for Background Checks in Hungary

You must adhere to certain requirements and guidelines to conduct background checks in Hungary. These include:


Before initiating any background check, you must obtain written consent from the candidate. This consent should clearly outline the type of check you intend to perform and the purpose behind it.

Data Protection

Like many European countries, Hungary has stringent data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You must ensure that you handle candidate data with the utmost care, only sharing it with relevant parties and retaining it for the necessary duration.


Background checks should be carried out professionally and impartially. Avoid any form of discrimination or bias during the screening process.

Steps in Conducting Background Checks in Hungary

Obtain Consent: Begin by obtaining written consent from the candidate to perform the background check.

Identify the Type of Check: Determine which specific background checks are necessary for your hiring position.

Gather Information: Collect the required information, such as criminal record checks, employment history, education records, or any other relevant data.

Use Professional Services: Consider using professional background screening services to ensure accuracy and compliance with legal requirements.

Verify Information: Carefully verify the information obtained during the background check to ensure its accuracy.

Respect Privacy: Handle candidate data carefully and respect privacy laws like GDPR.

Make Informed Decisions: Use the information gathered during the background check to make informed hiring decisions.

Are Employee Background Checks Legal in Hungary?

Employee background checks are legal in Hungary, provided you adhere to the country's laws and regulations. It's essential to obtain consent from the candidate, respect data protection laws, and conduct checks professionally and without discrimination. Failure to do so can lead to legal consequences.

Planning to Hire in Hungary? Here's How Skuad Can Help

With Skuad’s all-in-one employment and payroll platform, you can easily hire, manage, and pay employees and contractors, compliantly.

You can avail background checks on our platform by partnering with Skuad as your EOR.

When you partner with Skuad as your Employer of Record, we also advise you on the legalities around background checks, work permits, leave policy and more. Leave the complexities of hiring and payments to us so that you can focus on growing your teams in Hungary and beyond.

Got questions? Speak to our experts today!


How do I get a criminal record check in Hungary?

You need the candidate's consent to obtain a Hungarian criminal record check. You can then request this information from the Hungarian police or relevant authorities. Accessing criminal records without permission is illegal.

Are background checks legal in Europe?

Background checks are legal in Europe but must comply with data protection and privacy laws, such as GDPR. It's crucial to obtain candidate consent and handle data with care.

Can you do a background check on someone from another country?

Yes, you can conduct background checks on individuals from other countries. However, the process may vary depending on the country's laws and regulations. It's essential to research and comply with the specific requirements of the individual's home country.

Can you go to Hungary with a criminal record?

Whether you can enter Hungary with a criminal record depends on the nature of the offense and the Hungarian immigration regulations. Some criminal convictions may result in entry restrictions or require special visas. It's advisable to consult with Hungarian immigration authorities for specific guidance.

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