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Top 5 Omnipresent Platform Alternatives in 2024

Employer of Record

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Top 5 Omnipresent Platform Alternatives in 2024

The Omnipresent platform is a popular global employment and payroll solution.

However, businesses face challenges while using Omnipresent as their global employment platform. 

So companies search for effective Omnipresent alternatives that offer better experience with global payroll and remote workforce management.

Why consider Omnipresent Platform Alternatives?

Here are some reasons why companies look for alternatives to Omnipresent platform.

  1. Lack of Transparent Communication on Visa Processing: The communication about the timelines for visa processing is insufficient. This makes planning difficult for businesses.
  2. Limited Currency Options for Payroll: The Omnipresent platform does not offer the flexibility to pay employees in multiple currencies. This complicates financial management for global teams.
  3. Delayed Response Times Post-Staff Reduction: The platform's responsiveness has declined since reducing its staff. This affects the speed and quality of customer service and support.
  4. Absence of a Daily Allowance Feature for Travel: This complicates expense management for business trips.
  5. Inefficient Leave Management: The management of vacation and sick days lacks clarity and ease of use. This complicates leave planning and tracking.
  6. Frequent Changes in Points of Contact: The platform frequently changes client points of contact. Thus leading to frustration in service quality and advice.
  7. Inconsistent Knowledge of Local Labor Laws: The customer service team's understanding of local labor laws can be shallow. Hence, risking non-compliance for businesses operating in multiple regions.
  8. Problems with Local Service Providers in Some Countries: The Omnipresent platform uses local service providers in some countries. So users experience long response times and receive inaccurate information.
  9. Incoherent Invoicing System and Expense Management: The invoicing system lacks coordination, making the expense management process opaque. 

Let’s look at some of the best Omnipresent competitors and alternatives.

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Best Omnipresent Platform Alternatives in 2024

1. Skuad

Skuad is a global employment platform that streamlines global hiring, international payroll, and remote workforce management.

Here are Skuad’s primary offerings for businesses expanding internationally.

Skuad's Employer of Record Platform

A) Global Hiring

Skuad helps companies hire employees and contractors in compliance with local laws and regulations.

Here’s how Skuad enables you to hire talent across borders without setting up a local entity.

  • Skuad EOR - As your EOR partner, Skuad hires employees on your behalf. You can onboard employees and begin your business operations with ease.
  • Skuad AOR - For hiring contractors, you can partner with Skuad for localized contracts and timely contractor payments.

This provides companies clarity between employees and contractors and avoids misclassification fines.

B) Automated Onboarding

Skuad speeds up onboarding for your global team while ensuring local compliance. This saves a lot of time for businesses looking to initiate swift operations in new markets.

C) Global Payroll 

With Skuad, you can easily pay your team in 100+ currencies in over 160 countries.

Skuad ensures paying everyone compliantly and on time.

Skuad also looks after taxes and benefits so you don't lose money because of currency changes and tax laws.

D) Compliance Management

Skuad’s legal experts possess extensive knowledge about the unique laws and rules across multiple countries.

2. Deel

Deel is a prominent alternative to Omnipresent platform. Deel facilitates the global employment and management of a remote workforce. They also ensure adherence to the legal frameworks in various countries.

Key Benefits

  • Enables lawful employment, compensation, and management of teams in over 150 countries.
  • Deel meets the specialized requirements of international staff, including immigration and visa services, and offers comprehensive benefits management across different regions.
  • Enhances the employment process by offering easy integration with many HR tools.

Service Limitations

  • Deel's limited custom options may not meet the needs of businesses with unique employment challenges.
  • The high-cost structure of Deel might dissuade rapidly expanding startups and medium-sized companies.
  • Deel's interface complexity could require employers to invest significant time in learning, potentially distracting from core business activities.

3. Remote

Remote stands out as an Omnipresent alternative in the international employment and payroll solutions space. However, it also introduces specific complexities for employers.

Key Benefits

  • Guarantees legal compliance for hiring and payroll in over 50 countries.
  • Employs automated payroll systems to ensure payments are accurate, efficient, and on schedule.
  • Remote offers a straightforward & user-friendly interface that provides a clear overview of operations.

Service Limitations

  • The cost of using Remote can be daunting for employers, potentially complicating financial planning for international expansion.
  • Although Remote's system is powerful, its rigidity can create obstacles to integration with pre-existing company systems.
  • Remote's lack of ability to accommodate local currencies complicates the process for employers needing to compensate international teams.

4. Oyster HR

Oyster HR is renowned for its commitment to simplifying global employment, ease of use, and effective communication.

Key Features

  • Offers an easy-to-use platform that simplifies hiring and managing employees internationally.
  • Handles compliance with legal standards and ensures accurate payroll management to minimize complications.
  • Supports the management of global teams with user-friendly tools and clear guidance.

Service Limitations

  • The functionality provided may not meet the complex needs of larger organizations.
  • The consistency of customer support varies, potentially affecting the resolution time for issues.
  • The platform's simplicity may not cater to the specialized needs of certain users or industries.

5. Rippling

Rippling is a comprehensive solution that unifies HR, IT, and finance operations into one platform. This significantly simplifies the management of various business processes.

Key Features

  • Integrates HR, IT, and financial operations in a single, streamlined platform.
  • Automates essential processes such as new employee onboarding, benefits administration, and device management.
  • Provides advanced tools for effective application and device management.

Service Limitations

  • The wide range of features may overwhelm smaller organizations.
  • Integrating Rippling with existing systems could pose challenges for some businesses.
  • The depth of advanced features necessitates a considerable amount of time for users to learn effectively.
  • The custom options might not satisfy the specific needs of all sectors.

Looking for a better alternative to the Omnipresent platform? Explore Skuad.

Why Choose Skuad Over the Omnipresent platform

Skuad stands out among Omnipresent platform alternatives and competitors, offering a comprehensive solution that simplifies talent discovery, recruitment, and global workforce management.

Skuad effectively brings your processes closer for sourcing talent, hiring, managing payroll, benefits administration, and onboarding. All this while ensuring compliance, making these tasks more manageable and integrated.

As your EOR and AOR, Skuad enables you to establish and manage your global teams. This streamlines operations and reduces setup times to just a few days.

Schedule a demo with our skilled team today to explore how Skuad can transform your global employment strategy.

About the author

Andrea Gomes is an acclaimed writer and expert in the Employer of Record (EOR) space, with over a decade of HR experience. Her work demystifies complex EOR concepts, guiding businesses on global workforce management and compliance.

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