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Background Check in France

Updated on:
16 Jan, 2024
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Hiring tech talent in France offers a wealth of benefits, from diversifying your talent pool to accessing highly skilled professionals. 

As part of the hiring process, conducting a thorough background check in France is integral to making informed decisions about your potential hires. 

Background check service is available on Skuad only when you make Skuad your EOR partner.

This article explores the critical aspects of employment background verification in France, its legal framework under the French labor code, and the best practices to follow.

What is Employment Background Verification?

Employment background verification is a process used by employers to validate the information provided by a potential hire. It may include checking educational credentials, employment history, criminal records, and other relevant details like professional skills. This process helps ensure the integrity of the recruitment process and safeguards the company's interests.


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Why are background checks in France important?

Background checks are essential in France, just as in any other country, for a multitude of reasons:

Assessing Integrity and Honesty

Background checks, specifically background screening, provide employers with an effective tool to verify the information provided by job applicants. They enable the assessment of a candidate's integrity and honesty, which are crucial factors for maintaining a trustworthy and harmonious team or employment relationship.

Protecting the Company

One of the key reasons background checks are important is to protect the company's reputation and interests. Hiring individuals who have misrepresented information can lead to several issues, including performance problems and legal troubles. Background checks reduce the risk of negligent hiring lawsuits and can help avoid the costs associated with making a bad hire.

Ensuring Workplace Safety

Background checks, especially criminal record checks, are instrumental in ensuring a safe and secure work environment. They help prevent potential issues related to workplace violence, theft, and other misconduct, thereby contributing to the overall safety and productivity of the workplace.

Compliance with Regulations

In certain sectors, such as finance or jobs involving work with children or vulnerable adults, carrying out background checks as part of the background check process is not just a matter of good practice but is also a regulatory requirement.

Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

By conducting thorough background checks, French employers can ensure that they're hiring individuals who align with the organization's values, contributing to building a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Mitigating Risk for Remote Employees and Contractors

With the rise of remote work and hiring independent contractors from abroad, background checks have become more important than ever. They allow French employers to understand the professional history and reliability of remote workers, minimizing potential legal and tax risks associated with international employment. The recruitment process should always involve a medical examination to verify the physical appearance and genetic characteristics of the job applicant to avoid any restrictive covenants.

The types of background checks in France

Employment background checks in France are a common practice, providing vital information that assists in the recruitment process. Understanding the various types of checks and their purposes is key to effective hiring.

Criminal Records Check

Also known as 'Bulletin No. 3', French law permits employers to request potential hires for a copy of their criminal records, but only for roles where specific legal requirements stipulate the necessity for a clean criminal background. This is often a part of the background check process which makes it essential for certain roles, such as those where employment contracts may require it. For example, roles involving interaction with children or vulnerable adults may require a clean record. While this is important for any job role, it is especially critical when considering hiring remote employees for your team.

Education and Employment History Verification

This aspect of background checks involves verifying the academic qualifications and past employment history of a potential hire. This process is essential as it ensures that the candidate has the necessary professional skills, qualifications, and experience relevant to the job position. In the case of hiring employees internationally, effective global hiring strategies should be implemented to effectively verify these details. This could involve interaction with recruitment agencies, who often have efficient systems in place to confirm these details.

Financial History Check

For certain positions that directly involve handling financial transactions or have financial responsibilities, a financial history check may be conducted. These are most commonly used when hiring for roles in finance or accounting, even for fixed-term contracts.

Reference Checks

This involves contacting previous employers or other professional contacts to learn more about the potential hire's work ethic, skills, and experiences. This comprehensive guide about hiring could provide further insights into the importance of reference checks.

It's important to remember that background checks must be tailored to fit the specific job role and must comply with the legal guidelines established by the French Data Protection Authority to ensure the privacy and rights of job applicants are respected. Personal data and sensitive data, such as medical examination results and physical appearance, must be handled carefully. For diverse hiring, such as when you are aiming to get a diverse applicant pool from a range of countries, understanding these intricacies becomes even more essential.

Is it legal to run background checks on French employees & contractors?

Yes, it is legal to run background checks on French employees and contractors, subject to certain limitations. French law is stringent when it comes to the privacy rights of employees and potential hires. Therefore, any background check must be necessary, proportionate, and relevant to the job in question, whether it's a vacant job position or for a temporarily absent employee.

For example, criminal background checks are generally permitted for roles where a clean record is necessary, such as jobs involving interaction with children or vulnerable adults. This could apply to both employment relationship scenarios, whether for indefinite-term employment contracts or fixed-term contract roles. Furthermore, any adverse information obtained during a background check cannot be used in a discriminatory manner. This includes data on criminal convictions, which can be sensitive and potentially damaging if misused. Proper and legal use of this information is essential when onboarding a new employee or even independent contractors

When to conduct French employee background checks

Determining the right timing for background checks is a vital part of the hiring process. It's essential to maintain a balance between gaining the necessary information to make informed decisions and respecting the candidate's privacy.

Typically, it's most appropriate to conduct background checks in France after extending a conditional offer of employment. This conditional offer means that the job offer is dependent on the candidate passing the background check. This sequence of events is an effective strategy as it helps prevent accusations of discrimination during the hiring process and allows the employer to make decisions based on factual and verified data.

Moreover, running a background check after a job offer also shows respect for the candidate's time and effort. It is a common practice for employers to wait until this stage, after the costs of hiring have been thoroughly considered, before starting the verification process.

What types of background checks are illegal in France?

In France, privacy laws tightly regulate the collection and use of personal data. This regulatory environment impacts the type of background checks employers can legally conduct. Certain background checks are considered illegal in France due to the high emphasis on personal privacy and data protection.

Health Checks

French laws prohibit employers from conducting health checks or questioning potential hires about their health status or any disabilities. Such health-related inquiries can infringe on privacy rights and could potentially lead to discrimination, violating French labor laws.

Credit Checks

It's generally illegal to conduct credit checks on potential employees in France. There are exceptions, however, for specific roles that deal with financial matters, as mentioned in this guide.

Social Media Checks

While not explicitly illegal, scrutinizing a candidate's social media profiles can raise legal issues. The French Data Protection Authority has issued guidelines suggesting that information obtained from social media should not be used in hiring decisions unless it's directly related to the job and the candidate has provided consent.

Political, Religious Beliefs, and Sexual Orientation Checks

French law expressly prohibits background checks on a person's political views, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation. Such checks could result in allegations of discrimination, which could carry significant penalties.

Background screening mistakes to avoid in France

Ensuring the legality and appropriateness of background checks in France is critical to maintaining compliance with French law and upholding the rights and privacy of potential hires. Mistakes in this process can lead to legal issues, damage your reputation, and even impose penalties on your organization. Below are some common pitfalls and how to avoid them:

Invasion of Privacy

French law is robust in protecting the privacy of individuals. It's essential to respect the privacy of candidates by only seeking information directly relevant to the job role and ensuring this information is secured. If you're unsure about what you can and cannot ask, it's advisable to consult the French Data Protection Authority for guidance.

Irrelevant Checks

Background checks must be proportionate and relevant to the role in question. Conducting irrelevant checks not only infringes on privacy but can also expose your organization to legal risk. For example, conducting a financial background check on a candidate applying for a non-financial role could potentially lead to unnecessary complications.

Lack of Consent

In France, it's mandatory to obtain consent from the candidate before running a background check. This principle aligns with the broader EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) framework. Ensure you obtain clear, explicit consent and explain what the background check will involve.


Information obtained during the background check must not be used to discriminate against the candidate. This principle aligns with the goal of cultivating a diverse applicant pool and adhering to equal opportunity practices.

Improper Classification of Workers

When hiring remote employees or contractors in France, it's essential to correctly classify them to avoid penalties and other potential legal complications. Misclassification can lead to erroneous background check requirements and could result in financial consequences as discussed in this blog.

Neglecting International Norms: When building a remote or distributed team, it's essential to be aware of and comply with international norms and regulations regarding background checks. This includes abiding by regulations not only in France but also considering the rules in the candidate's country of residence.

Planning to hire in France? Here's how Skuad can help

Conducting background checks in France is a crucial part of the hiring process, and background checks can be availed on Skuad by partnering with us for EOR.

Background checks enable you to access accurate information about potential hires and mitigate risks. However, the process must comply with French law and respect the privacy and rights of candidates. 

By partnering with Skuad as your Employer of Record, you can effortlessly hire, onboard, pay, and manage your distributed team, in addition to receiving support for background checks and screening when considering hiring in the country. Skuad's expertise will ensure that you navigate the complexities of international hiring and background verification with ease and confidence. 

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How do I check my criminal record in France?

You must request your "extrait de casier judiciaire" from the Casier Judiciaire National to check your criminal history in France. You can do this by mail or online through their website. Only the subject or their legal representative may request access to this record because it is private and confidential.

Do different organizations in France require different background checks?

Yes, depending on the position's specific requirements and the nature of the job, various organizations in France may demand various background checks. For instance, a more thorough background check may be necessary for jobs dealing with vulnerable populations, healthcare, or education. Verification of criminal histories, financial stability, employment history, and references are just a few of the things that can be checked.

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