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7 Factors to Consider Before Choosing Either an EOR or a PEO

Employer of Record

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7 Factors to Consider Before Choosing Either an EOR or a PEO

Navigating the complex world of global employment can be challenging, especially when choosing between an Employer of Record (EOR) and a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). Both options offer unique benefits and services, making it essential to understand the differences before deciding which is best suited for your organization. This article will provide an in-depth overview of EOR and PEO, discuss factors to consider when choosing between them, and offer guidance on making an informed decision.

What is EOR?

An Employer of Record is a third-party organization that legally employs your workers on your behalf. They handle all employment-related responsibilities, including payroll, taxes, benefits, and compliance with local labor laws. Discover the pros and cons of a EOR in this comprehensive article.

Services provided by EORs

  • Payroll processing: Ensuring accurate and timely payment of salaries, overtime, and bonuses.
  • Tax withholding and remittance: Deducting and submitting applicable taxes to local authorities.
  • Benefits administration: Managing employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.
  • Legal and regulatory compliance: Navigating local labor laws, visa requirements, and employment regulations.
  • HR support: Offering guidance on hiring, employee relations, and performance management.

Benefits of using an EOR

  • Reduced administrative burden: Outsourcing employment responsibilities frees up time and resources for core business operations.
  • Compliance with local labor laws: EORs have expertise in local regulations, minimizing the risk of non-compliance penalties.
  • Simplified international expansion: EORs handle the complexities of global employment, allowing for faster and more efficient growth.
  • Access to local expertise: EORs have in-depth knowledge of local employment landscapes, providing valuable insights and support.

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What is PEO?

A Professional Employer Organization is a co-employment arrangement where the PEO shares employment responsibilities with your organization. The PEO manages HR functions, payroll, and benefits, while you maintain control over day-to-day operations and employee management. 

Services provided by PEOs

  • Payroll processing: Ensuring accurate and timely payment of wages, including managing tax deductions and reporting.
  • Benefits administration: Providing access to competitive benefits packages, often at a lower cost due to the PEO's purchasing power.
  • HR support and consulting: Offering expert guidance on various HR topics, such as hiring, employee relations, and performance management.
  • Compliance assistance: Helping your organization navigate complex employment laws and regulations.

Benefits of using a PEO

  • Access to better benefits packages: PEOs can leverage their size to negotiate more attractive benefits for your employees.
  • Streamlined HR processes: Consolidating HR functions with a PEO can improve efficiency and reduce administrative tasks.
  • Reduced administrative tasks: Outsourcing HR responsibilities allows your organization to focus on core business objectives.
  • Compliance support: PEOs have expertise in various employment laws and can provide guidance on maintaining compliance.

Learn more about EOR and PEO in this comprehensive article.

Factors to consider when choosing between an EOR and PEO

Company size and growth stage

Smaller companies or startups might prefer a PEO for its comprehensive HR support and cost-effective benefits packages. In contrast, larger organizations or those planning international expansion might choose an EOR for its global expertise and ability to navigate complex employment landscapes.

Industry and sector-specific requirements

Certain industries may have unique compliance requirements, safety regulations, or benefit needs, which might be better addressed by a specialized EOR or PEO with experience in those sectors.

Level of control and management desired

If you prefer to maintain control over employee management and daily operations, a PEO might be a better fit, while an EOR takes on more responsibility for managing your workforce, providing a higher level of support and expertise.

International expansion plans

EORs have the expertise and infrastructure to support international growth, making them ideal for organizations looking to expand globally. PEOs can also support global expansion but may have a more limited reach compared to EORs. 

Discover practical global expansion strategies in this comprehensive article.

Legal and compliance needs

Both EORs and PEOs offer compliance support, but EORs often have more in-depth knowledge of local labor laws and regulations, making them a better choice for organizations with complex compliance requirements or those operating in multiple countries.

Learn more on how to establish compliance as part of your corporate identity here.

Employee benefits and HR support

PEOs typically offer a wider range of benefits packages and HR support services, which might be more appealing to companies looking to attract and retain top talent. EORs also provide HR support, but their primary focus is on managing compliance and payroll.

Cost and pricing structures

EORs and PEOs have different pricing models, so it's essential to compare costs and understand which option provides the best value for your organization. EORs may charge a flat fee per employee or a percentage of the payroll, while PEOs often use a per-employee-per-month pricing model.

EOR vs. PEO - Key Differences Between EOR and PEO

By understanding the key differences between EORs and PEOs, you can make a more informed decision about which solution best meets your organization's workforce management needs. Here are some of the differences between an EOR and a PEO:

  1. Employment Model: EORs employ your workers directly and assume all employment responsibilities, while PEOs operate under a co-employment model where both your organization and the PEO share employment responsibilities.
  2. Level of Control: With an EOR, your organization may have less direct control over employee management and daily operations, as the EOR takes on more responsibility. In contrast, PEOs provide more control over employee management, as they share employment responsibilities with your organization.
  3. Geographic Reach: EORs typically have a stronger global presence and are better equipped to support international expansion. PEOs may have a more limited international presence and may not provide the same level of expertise for global workforce management.
  4. Local Expertise: EORs possess in-depth knowledge of local employment laws, customs, and practices, ensuring compliance with country-specific regulations. PEOs offer compliance support but may not possess the same level of local knowledge as an EOR.
  5. Range of Services: EORs primarily focus on managing payroll and compliance, while PEOs often provide a wider range of HR support services, such as benefits administration, talent acquisition, and employee training.
  6. Pricing Structures: EORs and PEOs have different pricing models. EORs may charge a flat fee per employee or a percentage of the payroll, while PEOs often use a per-employee-per-month pricing model. It's essential to compare costs to determine which option offers the best value for your organization.

Choosing between an EOR and a PEO requires careful consideration of your organization's unique needs, goals, and preferences. By understanding the differences between these two solutions and taking into account the factors discussed in this article, you can make an informed decision that best supports your company's growth and success. Remember, selecting the right solution is crucial to maintaining compliance, attracting top talent, and optimizing your workforce management processes.

How can Skuad help?

Skuad offers a comprehensive employment and payroll solution, allowing businesses to hire full-time workers and contractors in over 160 countries without establishing subsidiaries or legal entities. Skuad's platform assists organizations in onboarding new talent, managing payroll, and ensuring compliance with each country's unique employment laws and tax rules.

Moreover, Skuad takes care of the complete employment journey, enabling you to grow your business in a compliant manner while minimizing effort and delivering exceptional HR management. To discover more about Skuad, schedule a demo today.


What should I look for in an EoR?

When looking for an EoR, consider their global presence, local expertise in employment laws and regulations, range of services (such as payroll, benefits, and HR administration), pricing structure, customer support, the technology used in their platform, and their reputation and track record with clients.

Who is the employer in a PEO relationship?

In a PEO relationship, both the PEO and the client company share employer responsibilities through a co-employment arrangement. The PEO typically handles administrative tasks like payroll, benefits, and compliance, while the client company manages day-to-day operations and employee supervision.

How many employees do I need for a PEO?

There is no strict minimum number of employees required for using a PEO. PEOs cater to businesses of various sizes, from small startups to larger enterprises. However, smaller businesses with fewer employees often benefit the most from the cost savings and streamlined HR services that PEOs provide.

Is PEO the same as staffing?

No, a PEO (Professional Employer Organization) is not the same as staffing. PEOs provide co-employment services, handling HR administration, payroll, benefits, and compliance for client companies. Staffing agencies, on the other hand, focus on recruiting and providing temporary or permanent employees to client organizations as needed.

About the author

Andrea Gomes is an acclaimed writer and expert in the Employer of Record (EOR) space, with over a decade of HR experience. Her work demystifies complex EOR concepts, guiding businesses on global workforce management and compliance.

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