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Hire C++ Developers

Updated on:
16 Jan, 2024

Hire C++ Developers

One cannot work on computers without an operating system. Ever wondered what language was used to code the operating systems? Almost all operating systems have C++ code in them, and the implementations of some programming languages are also dependent on it. For example, MS Windows, Linux, the JVM within which the Java programs run, some of those CPU-intensive games, etc., are all dependent on C++. So are a few browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, JavaScript interpreters, as well as a few compilers and database engines. Even the libraries of many high-level languages are coded using C++.

The definition of C++ describes it as a general-purpose programming language, created by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs in 1980. Many call it the ‘C with the classes,’ which is why it got its name as C++. The programmers are aware that ++ is an increment operator in C, which stands for increase by one. It can compile 99% of the C programs without any change in code (syntax is mostly the same). It is one of the more popular object-oriented languages, along with Java, C#, Python, etc. Interestingly, C++, though derived from C, gets its object-oriented features from the Simula67 programming language.

Owing to the object-oriented nature, C++ is more structured than C and is also safer. It is a middle-level programming language, giving it an edge with low-level programming with drivers and kernels. At the same time, its many powerful features ensure that it can be used to create high-level applications. Despite the evolution of many high-level programming languages, C++ is still very popular and continues to be the backbone of many complex systems. Not all kinds of programming can be done using C++. However, it is not GUI-oriented like most modern languages.

C++ Features

C++ also supports the four primary features of OOPs - encapsulation, polymorphism, abstraction, and inheritance- like all object-oriented programming languages. It has various data types, is machine-independent, and makes programs highly scalable and extensible. C++ programs are very high on speed, owing to their compiled nature. An important feature of C++ happens to be pointers using which programmers can directly access and manipulate memory/storage addresses.

Typically, object-oriented languages promote the concept of objects in programming, which makes the implementation of a lot of logic easier. This is done through the declaration of a class that encapsulates certain attributes and functions. All objects derived from this class will have the same attributes and functionalities. C++ also brought in namespaces that allowed organizing elements of programs into logical structures, referred by a name. It’s a declarative region that provides a scope to the identifiers declared within it.

Another important feature of C++ was operator overloading that allows a programmer to ‘overload’ or redefines an operator. This allows performing different operations on the user-defined data types, with a caveat that certain operators may not be overloaded to perform differently.

It also provides for explicit error and exception handling by way of the try, throw, catch programming blocks. Errors are a way of life for most coders, and when working with low or middle-level languages, error handling can be challenging. However, C++ with these constructs made the programmer’s life easier, as it allowed for easy identification and handling of unforeseen errors.


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Structure of C++ programs

C++ programs are structured logical units with statements and functions, coined together using the C++ syntax. The three main sections are the standard libraries section, the main function, and the function bodies section. The most important part of the C++ program is the main() function, which the programmer must write to achieve the desired results. This is the starting point, called by the operating system while executing a C++ program. It may include one or more of the various C++ libraries to achieve the desired output as part of the standard libraries section. The #include directive seen at the top of the C++ program mentions the various libraries being used. This is a preprocessor command that effectively includes the mentioned libraries into the program code. Libraries contain pre-compiled codes and are defined for a program using a header, and the compiler knows the location of these.

C++ allows programmers to define variables using various data types like int, char, float, bool, etc. The sizes of these variables may vary based on certain factors. It also provides operators that allow various operations, and programmers are encouraged to use comments within for clarity. The increment and decrement operators are also used in C++, and it allows looping constructs with a do-while statement. Almost all logical execution happens within user-defined functions that are called from the main() function while executing. This is the function bodies section that determines the logical execution of the whole program and its output.

Expertise Required

Requirements - hard skills

  • Extensive experience in designing, building, and maintaining reusable code using C++ language.
  • Experience with at least one mid to large-sized project based on C++ in any domain - embedded, gaming, banking, etc.
  • Excellent knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts, especially pointers and memory management.
  • Thorough knowledge of the libraries, algorithms, data structures, latest C++ standards, specifications, etc.
  • Good knowledge of software development lifecycle and industry best practices.
  • In-depth understanding of one or more operating systems like Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, etc.
  • Proficiency in modern application development with experience in relevant IDEs and testing tools and methodologies.
  • Working experience in dynamic project environments with Agile exposure.
  • A basic understanding of open-source resources.
  • A good understanding of code versioning tools like Git, SVN, etc.
  • Proficiency in SQL and database programming concepts, preferably with exposure to databases like MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, etc.
  • An awareness of the emerging technologies and trends in app development.
  • An awareness of the emerging technologies and trends in app development.
  • Experience in the relevant documentation, stakeholder communication, and collaborative development with a problem-solving approach.


C++ developers are indeed a rare, dwindling breed in the world of modern programming and application development. However, they are versatile people who can design and build desktop applications, mobile applications, or even create embedded systems equally well. They can think through problems and come up with simple solutions to complex problems because of the powerful features of C++. It may take some time for junior C++ developers to fully grasp the power of the language that they are working with. They need to get the hang of the many extensive capabilities and possibilities of the C++ programming language. The huge support system of developers who even provide open source libraries in addition to what is already available helps a lot. And yet, junior C++ developers realize early that they are an exclusive set, which may boost their morale to do well.

Senior C++ developers are master craftsmen in their field, with solutions to most problems at the tips of their fingertips. They have to carry the mantle of ensuring that the large, complex projects that they work on do not fall behind in development time, which is a challenge for C++. Mostly, C++ is taught in professional engineering courses. Hence, it is easier to guide and mentor the junior members on other aspects of its usage.

  • Complete ownership of the products, whether new or extension of old ones.
  • Guiding junior C++ developers on complex programming modules, especially with algorithms, I/O, networking aspects, etc.
  • Effective project management, cross-functional stakeholder management, and timely delivery with minimal supervision.
  • Ability to multitask, suggest product improvements, and contribute to organizational goals.

Salary Structure

It is not easy to be a C++ developer; while C++ developers can easily pick up other languages, the reverse is not true. Coding in C++ requires real good programming logic and skill, and hence, they are always in short supply. C++ is the eternal programming language that is still going strong even when many other programming languages have come up. It is said that the demand-supply gap in C++ is always much more than in other technologies. Hence, the C++ developers usually get paid a competitive salary that matches their versatile skills. The salary structure of C++ developers can change based on the size of the project or the organization they are working with. There are freelance C++ developers also available, and they help out with projects on an assignment basis. At Skuad, we can help you hire the best C++ developers in the industry tailored to meet your requirements.

Experience Avg Salary
Entry Level $62,100
Mid-Career $82,300
Late Career $110,000

Industry Expertise

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