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HTML 5 Developers

Updated on:
16 Jan, 2024

HTML 5 Developers

One language that has been ruling the world of applications since its inception is HTML. HTML has evolved with the times and currently, the fifth version of the language is in use. A mark-up language - HTML5 is used for structuring the content and presenting it in a user-friendly manner for the World Wide Web. It is so rampantly used that the fifth version of HTML is now a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation which is a coveted association of bigwigs like Apple, Mozilla, Google and Microsoft (also famous as Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group or WHATWG). WHATWG was formed, back in 2007, to work on the Web Form 2.0 - a technology that would be backwards-compatible with existing browsers and Web Applications 1.0. Later both of them were merged to form HTML 5 which had inherent qualities of both its parent technologies. HTML5 – the current version is also famous as HTML Living Standard.

The language was first launched as a front-end language on 22nd January 2008, while the first major update was presented to the world in October 2014. The idea was a much-needed upgrade that could also support multimedia and other new features. The new language was easily readable by humans and understood by computers and the devices like parsers and web browsers. The version lacked the rigidity of the old HTML and maintained backwards compatibility with the earlier soft-wares. HTML5 was meant to be a superior language than not only HTML 4 but also XHTML 1 and DOM Level 2 HTML. HTML5 with its detailed processing model is a boon for interoperable implementations. It makes the extension, rationalization and improvement of the mark-up for documents and API’s (application programming interface) for robust web applications. The above reason also stands true for HTML5’s consideration for cross-platform mobile application. HTML 5 also has many features that have been designed to cater to low-powered designs.

The HTML 5 also has many elements that are syntax-based to include and handle content for scalable vector graphics, multimedia, mathematical formulas and other graphics. While there have been many inclusions there are also some omissions to make the language slim yet user friendly. Some experts also mention the similarities between HTML 5 and Adobe Flash, a detailed comparison proves it otherwise. While both are inclusive of audio and video playing options in the webpage and also for using Scalable Vector Graphics, there are few major differences as well. The HTML5 does not support animation or interactivity whereas Adobe Flash was built to fuse light games with vector graphics in a web page. HTML5 also has the feature, though not as developed as in Flash. Often the developers use HTML5 in combination with CSS 3 as both are the natural partner front end technologies. Also, the language has completely replaced XHTML or the other older HTML versions

HTML 5 is such a widely used technology that hiring an HTML5 developer may not be a hassle for your organisation. However, for the foreign entities of your organisation or the branched out offices it may not be a cakewalk. In such scenarios, the local laws and practices also play a deciding factor. It is important in such cases that the hiring team knows the intricacies of the law and regulations in-depth and can stand up for the company if required. To avoid any such adventures the companies invest in Employees on Record (EOR) companies that act as the local hiring company. Employees remain in the organisation’s records, while the EOR company is in charge of their hiring, onboarding, tax payments, salary pay-outs, compliances security, severance and other related operations. The organisation can interestingly handle all this with just one invoice to the EOR company. It is that easy. Skaud is one such company backed by experience in many offsite locations. The HR team is well versed with the process and comes in handy in the efficient management of your team.

HTML developers use front-end web technologies to create the front-end visual appearance of the websites using the using coding languages. Some of these developers are freelancers, and others may be employed by big corporations or even small scale businesses. HTML Developers is one constantly learning tribe as the technologies and the customer requirements keep evolving with time. 

An HTML developer often works in collaboration with the web designers and the back-end web-designing team. The job can get demanding at times and a good developer must be able to handle the pressures constructively. A great match for this job is the one with a strong technical aptitude, time management skills and organising skills.

HTML Developer - Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities for a developer’s position are not the same across the industry. It is dependent on the employing industry and on the projects, one is working on. The core tasks remain the same though.

As per our analysis on job postings, we present the following attributes:

Websites Coding

HTML developers create the visual appearance, present images of the website and also allow communication with other web pages, using embedded document tags in web pages.

Meeting Publication Deadlines

Companies and clients always present their requirements with a time frame to be able to launch their website and have a “go live.” Thus is it the HTML developers’ part of the responsibility to honour the deadline.

Ensuring Cross-Platform Functionality

From desktop computers to smartphones, all of them access the websites using browsers such as Chrome and Safari. The HTML developer sees to it that the program/ website runs on different platforms. This is called the cross-platform functionality of the program.

Collaboration with Designers

An important part of an HTML developers job is to create new websites or update existing ones. For this, they need to collaborate with web designers. The website designer provides a design of the looks and functioning of the website under work. It is the HTML developer who brings the website to fruition as per the designs given to them. They use proper coding to impart the aesthetics and functionality as per the client request.

Providing Required Support to Website Users

After the launch, HTML developers need to fix the bugs or issues arising in the use of the website. The bugs can be of different natures like an inability to access the site or non -functioning links and more. The HTML developer is responsible to provide technical support and a resolution.

Testing Websites

By building a website, the client is also aiming at user-friendliness of the website. The role of HTML developers in such case is to test the site to ensure user-friendliness and overall workability of the site. At this stage, any further issues and problems are fixed.


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HTML Developer - Skills and Qualifications

Technical skills - Strong technical abilities to utilize various hard-wares, soft-wares, and web platforms.

Attention to detail - for the accurate operation (as per the specifications given by the customer) of the website the developer must embed the correct coding in the correct location.

Time management - Being organised and managing time well are two indispensable qualities of an HTML developer. The fast-paced and TAT-driven environment often requires working on multiple projects simultaneously.

Web development languages - proficiency with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other languages is essential to developing interactive web pages and programs

Fast learner - the technology world is one of rapid change, and HTML developers need to keep up-to-date by learning new programs and concepts quickly

Tools Used:

HTML developers are required to be proficient in using the below tools:

  • Mark-up and style sheet languages (HTML, CSS)
  • Web development software (Dreamweaver)
  • Programming languages (JavaScript)

HTML Developer - Educational Qualification and Training

  1. A bachelor’s degree in a technical area - computer science, web development, or information technology
  2. Candidates with six months to two years of experience.
  3. Expertise in HTML5 is mandatory.
  4. Skilled in CSS, JavaScript, and Dreamweaver are major add-ons.

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