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Hire Javascript Developers

Updated on:
16 Jan, 2024

Hire Javascript Developers

The work of a JavaScript developer is characterized by working on the front-end logic and redefining the visual elements of a web application. As a language, JavaScript has emerged as a clear winner in a lot of domains. So, when you hire JavaScript developers, the years of development, evolution, and innovation must be considered. 

Also, the JavaScript developer is tasked with creating the services that will connect the back-end logic with the front-end creating an immersive and exciting experience for the users. A JavaScript developer will also have to share his experience, expertise, and knowledge with front-end web developers, especially those working with markup and styling of the interface. 

JavaScript is one of the, if not the most, popular programming languages today. It conforms to the ECMAScript with properties like just-in-time compiled and multi-paradigm. Some of the significant use cases of JavaScript include web development, web applications, server-based applications, web servers, creating games, smartwatches, and mobile applications.

There are a wide array of tools, frameworks, and development environments powered by JavaScript. The level of detailing and scrutiny you require to hire JavaScript developers is not seen in other forms of development hiring. Due to numerous use cases of the language, the number of developers working with one programming language and its iterations is huge. 

There are 13.8 million JavaScript developers currently working with this programming language. So, you can only imagine the approach that you might have to take to choose the right person for your organization. Plus, the current working environment is changing. With your user’s preferences changing with time, the development aspects also need to change accordingly. Hence, JavaScript developers who are at the forefront of such dynamics are essential. 

While understanding these changes requires time and a dedicated team, it will cost and take time, which might not be conducive to your organization, provided that you need to focus on other aspects. Skuad has the right team, experience, and knowledge to help you hire JavaScript developers as per the changing requirements. Working with Skuad means you can focus your resources on expanding the business while we source ideal JavaScript developers for your organization.

JavaScript Developer Development Technologies

JavaScript has expanded to a great extent over the years. We have observed a myriad of technologies emerging that are in direct association with JavaScript and are being used to build innovative digital products. The technologies built with and powered by JavaScript have disrupted the application and web development structure. The segmentation of JavaScript is so widespread that every form of technology has a different working environment and standalone applications. 

Consequently, the hiring process also changes according to the JavaScript technology you want to use. Here are the major technologies built using JavaScript. 


AngularJS is built by Google and used to create one-page applications. It is also used in combination with Apache Cordova to develop cross-platform mobile applications. AngularJS is integrated with features and functionalities that make it easier to build applications while accelerating the development process. Given the unique purpose of AngularJS, you must hire JavaScript developers who have experience and understanding of Angular, among other JavaScript technologies. 


ReactJS is the technology required to build user interfaces for web applications. This technology, which is also powered by JavaScript, is built by Facebook. ReactJS is the ideal choice for developers and organizations who want to embed strategic SEO components in the development process. ReactJS also has its own DOM, which basically means that creating an application here is more flexible and performance-oriented. 


With NodeJS into the picture, the JavaScript developers have got an open-source, cross-platform, and back-end JS runtime environment. This makes NodeJS a suitable development technology for enterprise software development. Some of the main aspects where NodeJS is used include data streaming, Proxy, API requests, and chat. Developers like to work with NodeJS because of its ability to share the code with the Node package manager. 


VueJS is the combination of Angular2 and React, and it is used to build the front-end structure of the applications. Working on the MVC architecture, VueJS is primarily associated with the View module. One of the best things about VueJs is that it is used to build interfaces from the ground up and is incrementally adoptable. This is unlike other frameworks that have a monolithic structure. With the help of supporting libraries and tools, VueJS is equally efficient at building highly precise and performance single-page applications. 


Leveraging the incredible technology of containerization, Redux is a predictable state container built for JavaScript applications. As a container, Redux has better compatibility with React, but for other technologies, too, it provides the same functionality as any container. Redux helps write simpler codes as it shields the side effects of I/O, including rendering the view. 


Ever since its introduction in the development market, EmberJS has gained substantial popularity. This is primarily due to its wide area of application and some interactive features. EmberJS supports two-way data binding, which is not likely to be seen in other similar technologies. With two-way data binding, JavaScript developers can create and render complex and sophisticated user interfaces.

These are not the only technologies associated with JavaScript. Others that could have been on the list include Angular2, BackboneJS, Meteor, RxJA, MithrilJS, and PolymerJS. Each of these technologies is built to streamline the development process powered by JavaScript. 

Now when you want to hire JavaScript developers, it is essential to list down your requirements. Hiring developers who know JavaScript and its related technologies is easier said than done. We say that because Skuad has a dedicated team of experts to understand the changing development environment. This helps us ensure that your next employee has the skills and knowledge to work on JavaScript development.


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JavaScript Developer Development Industries

It is no surprise that JavaScript is used in almost every industry and some of the biggest companies in the world. As a programming language, it has helped accelerate the development tasks and create new frontiers in every direction. Be it user interface, testing, server-side scripting, whatnot; we can see JavaScript making an impact. So, it is natural for all industries to use this programming language that has the highest impact.


With the amount of security required in today’s internet age, it is only natural that the companies would use a strong and inherently strong language. JavaScript security features analyze the code for inconsistencies and vulnerabilities to ensure the scripting of a secure code. This is probably why online global financial platforms like PayPal are using it to ensure better security for their users. 


Within the entertainment industry, user experiences are everything. Second, uptime is of great importance as it helps to ensure a wholesome customer experience. Netflix started using JavaScript for everything and has been using technologies like NodeJs to build segmented but connected modules for their services. 


The global ride-hailing giant Uber plugs into JavaScript's strengths for its ability to handle real-time requests and data sorting systems. Here too, the company is using NodeJS and a couple of other JavaScript technologies to build an incredible interface with fast processing. 

eCommerce or Online Retail

Here we have eBay harnessing the potential of JavaScript-based technologies, particularly NodeJS, to build and manage its online market. Like the entertainment industry, here, too, the organizations need to build a customer-centric platform that is adept at handling a heavy load of requests securely. Hence, eBay found that efficiency in JavaScript and its associated technologies.

JavaScript’s circle of possibilities is growing with every new development. And this is something that you need to include while you hire JavaScript developers. It takes an expert to find one, and at Skuad, we only have experts to help you onboard the developers in every JavaScript technology. From freshers to experienced and from freelancers to full-time developers to CTOs, we have the resources and the network to create the most effective employee management solutions for your company.

Hard Skills Requirements to Hire JavaScript Developers

  • Work on front-end systems with the relevant JavaScript technologies, including ReactJS. 
  • Work on the back-end or server-side systems built with JavaScript, primarily NodeJS. 
  • Understands the functions and features of Front-end tools. 
  • Has familiarity with the back-end tools and technologies powered by JavaScript. 
  • Understands and knows about Container Tags, HTTP Protocol, Cookies, and Request Patterns.
  • Knows REST/SOAP, TypeScript, and SQL. 
  • Has previously worked with JIRA, Confluence, and Bitbucket. 
  • Has experience working with developing RESTful APIs. 
  • Can script data or manipulate data with Python. 
  • Experience with ArcGIS or ESRI. 
  • Has knowledge of the popular development stacks chosen by companies. 
  • Understanding or experience with VueJS, MithrilJS, Angular2, BackboneJS, Meteor, RxJA, MithrilJS, Ember JS, Redux, and PolymerJS.
  • Working knowledge of JSON, SuiteBuilder, XML, HTML, CSS, SQL, SuiteScript 2.0, and Web Markup.  
  • Knows how to tackle cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility issues. 
  • Can handle asynchronous requests and partial page updates. 
  • Write reusable code for the JavaScript libraries and use them in the future. 

Soft Skills Requirements for a JavaScript Developer

  • Understands the workings of an Agile development environment and knows how to implement the same. 
  • Can collaborate with the team juniors and seniors to improve the product and the development outcome.
  • Works as a team player assisting to build a better product for the client. 
  • Can readily suggest new ideas about the development and help with innovating the products. 
  • Knows how to write clean and concise code. 
  • Has the right communication skills to interact with clients, team members, and other stakeholders. 
  • Participate in brainstorming sessions. 
  • Is ready to learn the new developments in the JavaScript industry and leverage the new learnings to build advanced products.

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