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Hire Neo4j Developers

Updated on:
16 Jan, 2024

Hire Neo4j Developers

Neo4J is one of the most famous database management systems that is based on a NoSQL pattern. This database management system is a graph database rather than a relational database as in graph databases; the data is stored in the form of graphs. Neo4j developer is a simple, flexible, and universally available data model. The famous graph database shows high scalability making it the no. 1 choice in big companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Adobe, eBay, HP, and CISCO. This open-source software handles a huge amount of data and easily retrieves the stored data without any hassle.

Traditional database systems were not only slow but were ineffective in storing and handling big data. If raw data is not stored and organized, the unorganized data yields no results. Sorted data helps in retrieving the stored important information in real time, but it also helps make out trends and patterns in a business. Neo4j was developed as a response to the slow and old-fashioned database system that was traditionally based on rows and columns. In Neo4j, all data is stored in the forms of nodes that helps in connecting nodes to create relations between them that turns the data collection into a graph.

This property makes the Neo4J developer quite different from other developers in the market. With the snowballing of big data in the current digital age, data management has become an essential activity to handle unstructured data. This recent growth in data management has also led to increasing demand for Neo4j Developers. Neo4j has emerged as one of the most effective data management software in the NoSQL industry. Big brands and companies have invested in the Neo4j developer program and are looking to hire Neo4j developers for managing data systems.

Learn more about Neo4j

Neo4j is the best option for storing data with multiple connections among the nodes. Its scalability and optional schema features make it one of the most adaptive data management systems. Ne4j allows you to add any relation among any nodes that you want. This makes it the best choice for networking data. Some of the advantages of using Neo4j are

  • Graph over tabular forms: A unique feature of Neo4j is that it stores data in the forms of nodes that can form connections to represent data in graphical forms. Graphical representation of data is easily discernible and can show relations among any nodes.
  • Insights that are real-time in nature: Neo4j draws insights from real-time data that is fed into the data management system.
  • Easy Representation: With Neo4j, the data that are stored are easily represented through a connected form of structured and semi-structured data.
  • Easy Retrieval: With Neo4j, it is not only easy to represent data, but it is also extremely easy to retrieve the connected data at a much faster rate as compared to other data management systems. No complex joins or indexes are required to retrieve the fed data.

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Important features of Neo4j

The high scalability and availability of Neo4j make it one of the most advanced database management systems in the world. The high amount of data it can handle and the ease in which data can be retrieved are only some of the features that make Neo4j so special. Some other features that make it so special are the following

  1. High Scalability – Neo4j provides a lightning-fast service that mixes the native graph storage with high scalability structure for speed and ensures prediction of relationship queries through ACID compliance. You can add more and more data, and still, all your data will be fully secured and retrievable.
  2. ACID-based Data Management System – ACID properties, including Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability, are very closely followed by Neo4j.
  3. Replication of Data – To ensure that all your data are secure and not lost, Neo4j allows smooth data replication, making it secure and reliable.
  4. Cypher Query Language – The query language used by this data management system is called Cypher query language, which helps in communicating by sending queries. This language not only makes the representation of graphs easy but it is also easy to practice and learn.
  5. Get a built-in browser – With Neo4j, you also get a built-in Neo4j browser that helps in the creation and query of all the graph data.
  6. Drivers and Indexes – Neo4j supports indexes using the Apache Lucene, and it can also work very well with programming languages like Spring, Java, Scala, etc. Neo4j supports two types of Java API – Native API and Java API.

Roles and responsibilities of Neo4j developers

According to a study, it has been shown that the stored data in the world is doubling every year, and the global big data market is expected to be worth US $274.3 billion in the year 2022. The competition among companies is intensifying every second, and they are under a lot of pressure to innovate their marketing strategies. One of the major roles in this innovation process will be played by big data. The increasing demand in handling big data through NoSQL data management systems has also led to a high demand for developers, especially in Neo4j. Some of the roles and responsibilities that will be looked for to hire Neo4j developers are

  • The person should have experience in working with Neo4j applications. He/she should be well versed with NoSQL database management systems and know how to develop and design various Neo4j applications.
  • The person should be able to deal with unstructured, structured, semi-structured and streaming data.
  • Must have a strong background in using the Cypher Query Language. Must also be experienced in other languages like Java, .Net, Scala. Python, Groovy, XML etc.
  • The Neo4j developer must know how to handle troubleshoot problems.
  • Should have no problem in handling data that are highly connected. Must know how to handle processing, scalability, availability, and clustering of native graph data.
  • Must be common with any cloud technology (like Azure, GCP, etc.)
  • The developer should be able to work together with software architects and engineers.

Skills Required

  • Excellent and in-depth knowledge of Neo4j.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Ability to work in a team.
  • Focus and agility.

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Skuad can help you hire certified and experienced Neo4j from all over the world based on your hiring requirements, be it freelance, full-time, or contract.

Salary structure

With the increase in big data and the emergence of multiple NoSQL data management systems, the pay for job positions related to NoSQL had increased by 3.3% in 2015 (Venture beat article). According to indeed.com, the pay scale for Neo4j professionals in the United States ranges between US $90,000 to US $145,000. As pointed out by PayScale, the average salary for Neo4j professionals in the United States is US $88,147. A software developer, according to PayScale, earns approximately US $95,000 in the United States.

Freelancing and Contractual basis work

Currently, many big IT companies hire Neo4j developers on a contractual basis. This allows Neo4j specialists to work remotely and with multiple companies. You can choose plausible rates for your service on a contractual basis. There are many sites where you can advertise your skills and get jobs in companies as a freelancer and contractual Neo4j developer.

Neo4j Certification

Neo4j has become one of the most used data management systems today. This has inevitably increased the demand for developers who are well-versed with the usage of the Neo4j system. Big companies like Adobe, eBay, and IBM are using Neo4j today. If you have a knack for programming languages and handling data, then you can get your Neo4j certification and become a Neo4j professional today. New jobs in IT companies require handling data, especially NoSQL data, and you can easily learn how to handle graph databases by enrolling in the Neo4j Certification program. With this certification, you learn Cypher Query Language, how to create nodes and relations, how to use indexes, how to import data, and how to handle graph data modelling in Neo4j. So, hurry up and enhance your technical skills to be hired by companies as a Neo4j developer.

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