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Hire Subversion Developers

Updated on:
16 Jan, 2024

Hire Subversion Developers

A Subversion is used by software developers in the versioning and revision of the control system.

What is a Version Control System (VCS)?

A Version Control System allows teams of software developers to track different versions of their projects and keep a record of the project’s work history.

The objects of a Version Control System are

  • To allow individual developers to work simultaneously
  • To avoid overwriting the changes made by the others
  • Maintain the project’s version history

A VCS can have one of the following categories:

  • Centralized Version Control System (CVCS)
  • Distributed/Decentralised Version Control System (DVCS)

The Subversion befalls under the category of Centralised Version Control System (CVCS), meaning that all the files are stored in the central server of the software. It also enables different members of the team to collaborate on a single project.

Following are terminologies that fall under the Subversion:

  • Repository: It is the primary working of any version control system. It is where the developers store all of their work files. A repository not only stores files but also stores the history of the work done. It can be accessed over a network acting as a server while the version control tool acts as a client. Through this, clients can connect to their work and history and connect with the changes stored and also retrieve them.
  • Trunk: It is where all of the development work principally takes place. Developers work on their projects using the trunk.
  • Tags: This is a directory that stores the projects’ named screenshots. This operation allows the developers to give descriptive, memorable names to different project versions in the repository.
  • Branches: This operation allows developers to create another line of development. It is much more useful for projects where the project work is to be forked into two different branches.
  • Working Copy: Although the repository is shared with all the team members, it still does not give them editing access. The working copy is essentially the repository’s screenshot, which works as a private workspace where individual developers can work on the same project isolated from the other team members.
  • Commit Changes: It is used to store changes from a private workspace to the central server to make them available to the entire team. Other developers working on the project can then retrieve their copies of the changes by updating their working copy.

The role of a Software Developer is very closely involved with specific work areas, including the writing of the code. At the same time, they have to carry out the software development lifecycle — including working across teams, transforming requirements into features, management of development teams and processes, and conducting software testing and maintenance from time to time.

The work of a programmer or a coder is to write the source code to make the computer program certain tasks such as merging databases, processing online orders, conducting searches online, displaying the text and graphics on screen, etc. A programmer will usually carry out the instructions given by Software Developers and Engineers and use programming languages like C++ and Java to carry out those instructions.

These are the 5 programming languages that are practical. These languages are based on their usage, paradigm, and popularity.

  1. Java
    Java is one of the most approachable and significant languages of the last 20 years and works best for the development of server-side applications. Java has a big hand in the market of gaming and the operation of web development. It is the language most learned by students nowadays and it is something that programming is incomplete without.
    Java was once just an introspection that was started with the motive that the code will be written once but a developer can run it anywhere. However, through the years, Java started to run everywhere.
    Java is put to use by some important organizations around the world, including investment banks and insurance companies.
  2. Python
    Python nowadays is a programming language that is gaining popularity amongst colleges and schools. In countries like the US, Python now is a substitute for Java in their academia where it is taught as the main language for being a programmer. But why is Python gaining such popularity?
    Python is one of those languages that is used as a programming language and also as a proper object-oriented language.
    There has been an increase in the use of Python for technologies, such as Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), data science, web development, data analysis, gaming, product development, network development, testing, Rapid Application Development, Automation Scripting, and more.
  3. C/C++
    C or C++ are very important parts of the puzzle. If you don't successfully learn this language, you will miss a very important piece and will not be able to go forward with the development. You may ask why. This is because it’s one of those languages that you must know. When you learn C, you are able to take away some concepts that are important for a good developer, for example, structure, memory management, pointers, etc. C is still one of the most preferred languages for system programming and it has given Java quite a competition over the years.
    C++ will let you write subordinate code for systems and drivers. If you are willing to learn C++ instead of C, it does not make much difference as they are quite similar.
  4. Scala
    Scala, as they say, has been fabricated based on programmers that have had the best practices for the last 20 years. It is also a functional programming language, so it offers a different model of programming than the object-oriented one, which helps to improve your code and thinking.
    Scala is known to be a new generation JVM language, which is generating popularity as a Java alternative. It has some great features. Scala and Java are both JVM-based languages. Scala is a language that you can run in Java and use any of the Java libraries. There are other differences as well that we see in Scala other than the fact that it is a functional programming language. One of the differences that is a clear one is improved understandability and brief code.
  5. JavaScript
    You can find a replacement for C++ with Java and Python with Ruby, but there is still no replacement for JavaScript. It is no longer a client-side programming language, but with frameworks like NodeJS, Angular, etc. JavaScript can be used on the Server-side as well as for the development of the user interface.
    Knowledge of JavaScript has helped developers decide which characteristics can be applied on the server-side and which can be handled on the client-side.

Software Development Industries 

This is a list of industries that are responsible for the hiring of Software Developers and helping them gain knowledge of programming languages: 

  1. Retail
  2. Healthcare
  3. Research and Development
  4. Business/IT sectors
  5. Silicon Valley High Tech
  6. Government and Defense

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Requirements- Hard Skills

  • Proficient in Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Proficient in programming languages like Java, Python, JavaScript, etc. 
  • Proficient in Source Control
  • Able to collaborate with other team members
  • Proficiency in Text Editing
  • Proficiency in writing, modifying, compiling, running, and debugging code
  • Understanding the working of Databases
  • Should have knowledge of the Operating System
  • Understanding of Networking Basics
  • Basics of Testing
  • Should know how to run a product across platforms
  • Knowledge of Encryption and Cryptography
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel
  • Proficiency in Bilingual or Multilingual
  • Proficiency in Database Management
  • Proficiency in Network Security
  • Proficiency in Statistical Analysis
  • Experience in Data Mining
  • Experience in Development
  • Proficiency in Troubleshooting
  • Experience in Technical Documentation
  • Proficiency in Formulas and Data Analysis 
  • Complete knowledge of how the VCS works
  • Experience in the Subversion process to work as a specified developer of the same 
  • Knowledge of terminologies and their working that falls under the category of subversion

Requirements- Soft Skills/Others

  • Communication and teamwork
  • Integrity
  • Dependability
  • Open-mindedness
  • Time management
  • Problem Solving
  • Adaptability
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking
  • Organization
  • Willingness to learn
  • Empathy 
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Owning up to errors
  • People skills 
  • Motivation
  • Perseverance
  • Result-Oriented
  • Attention to Detail
  • 5 Leadership skills they should have-
  1. Self-Development
  2. Team Development
  3. Strategic thinking and acting
  4. Ethical practice and civic-mindedness
  5. Innovation
  • Listening to others

Salary Structure

Salary is typically based on the skills and level of experience that a subversion developer has. Although, the average annual salary of a Subversion Developer is INR 20,00,000 based on the level of experience and expertise. 

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