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Hire Symfony Developers

Updated on:
16 Jan, 2024

Hire Symfony Developers

Web Applications have gained enough popularity that they do not need an introduction. Every smartphone and desktop comes ready with them while more such apps are downloadable from the App stores hosted by Android and iOS platforms. The biggest marker of this progressive global market is sized at USD1.13 Billion in 2019 and projected to be at USD 1.44 Billion by 2027. That is aCAGR of 19% during this period. Due to their reach these Web Applications or WA’sas these are called, have gained popularity amongst the small and medium-sized businesses. Current COVID – 19 situation is yet another booster to the growth of web application. No wonder then that the web applications have garnered a major chunk of the Applications market. Increasing focus on the personalized customer experience, enhanced features, and a unified view coupled with competitive differentiation are major growth drivers.

Web applications have not only gained popularity amongst the user but amongst the developers too. There are many reasons attributed to this. While web applications can be maintained easily as the entire application runs on the same code, also the fact that web application does not require Mobile App store approvals makes it hassle-free to develop. These applications are platform-independent and run effortlessly on Linux, Windows, Mac, all supporting modern browsers. The front end languages used (CSS, JAVAScript, HTMLetc) are also universal and supported by most web browsers. Symfony is also one preferred framework for web developers.

About Symfony

A set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework for web developers, Symphony gives the developer the power to control his codes and an end to repetitive coding tasks. The best part- Symphony comes with a well-documented guide that covers all the features, are free and are open-source licensed, making the learning easy and providing relentless support, for both beginners and stalwarts to be able to use the Symphony fairly quickly and effectively. The documents are also upgraded on a time to time basis. The best PHP applications are built on a set of reusable and decoupled components like Drupal, PhpBB, andeZ Publish. Symfony enjoys a passionate community of 600,000 plus developers from 12 plus countries. This is also the reason that it so widely used.

Symfonyis suitable for building simple to robust applications ranging from Lead generation projects, console applications to small and custom API to robust we scalable systems all due to a simple and more efficient framework. Symfony Flex– a Symfony Recipes based feature increases the coding speed and quality considerably. Symfony Recipes integrate third-party packages into your application by using a set of automated instructions. The thorough framework architecture guarantees a reliable solution. Symfony Bundles are easily downloadable and yet another reason for the application to be faster.

has many other features that increase its value over other contemporary products. It is ideal for large, robust projects that require a lot of flexibility. Its default directory structure is very abstracted and decoupled and to top it all, easily understandable. The modular library of Symfony makes the desired parts easily accessible, easily plug-able into other systems, and easy to replace or augment some parts of it using other libraries. It also plays compatibly with codes of other PHP library or framework. Symphony stands true as a PHPframework by covering all expected bases and is a one-stop shop for the lower-level components required when developing a PHP application.


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Some of the components used for the application development areas listed below

Drupal: A CMS platform renowned for a great web, social and mobile experience. Unsurprisingly it is taking the digital experience industry to another notch by connecting with users, customers and visitors at a personalized level. While the Drupal community is working on further innovations and ideas, quick adaptation to market needs helps them gain their slice of market share. This easy to learn, open-source content management platform is also a choice of millions of websites and applications powered by it. Drupal is an easy program even for beginners. Editing the web pages, saving pages in the draft format before publishing, quick access to the list of all pages created, are all quick and straightforward processes in Drupal. While it might take some time to get used to the interface, Drupal’s dynamic content and the ability to manipulate the content and makes it more than a regular CMS. Though it is very close to WordPress and a comparison is inevitable, Drupal wins its hands down in allowing the developer to control data input and output at a much better level.

PhpBB: Seen as an awesome open source forum making software, PhpBB is a flat-for umbulletin board software solution, used to connect with a group of people. The easily downloadable software is also free of cost and doesn’t even need credit card information to register. Thus a great tool for those developing forum-style discussion boards. The software allows things like assigning roles(moderators or admins), sending newsletters to your community, creating role-play lists, modifiable coding, enabling special permissions, and creating other customized theme-based content. Basic knowledge of HTML helps for creating things like custom widgets etc.

The software is customizable and has a plethora of additional options used in elevating the user experience.

For further security, PHPbb has a strong CAPTCHA and deals effectively with spams. It also has a built-in facility to warn, ban and even suspend un-complying members. PHPbb enables sending private messages, files, and view messages in auser-friendly conversational format.

eZ Publish: eZ Publish has been upgrading its platform into a better and stronger contender for producers and publishers of digital content. eZ Publish 4.7, or “Etna” - a complete customer experience management platform - is the transformed version of this web content management platform.

eZPublish is considered a classic "brochure ware" site. eZ Publisher is also developer-friendly. Developers with only a little PHP experience can get started. The ones with a higher experience can open the world of the development of custom modules. Also known as ez Platform, it features user-defined content and classes, workflow management and tasking, version control, document management with image conversion and scaling, templates, search engine support, regionalization, localization, and internationalization. It can be scaled up to support enterprise-level activities with support and maintenance provided by the vendor.

Hiring for technologies like these can be a task for the company. Especially if you have branches overseas. In such times it is always advisable to hire a company that can work as a local and is capable of hiring, onboarding, taking care of the payroll, taxation, compliances and other related operations. These companies act as your local HR and are well versed with the policies and laws of the land. Skuad is one such Employee on Record company working with companies that are globally distributed. The companies are thus able to concentrate on their core expertise while the third party takes all their NVA jobs into their hands.

Symfony Developer profile

Primary Skillset:

  • The candidate needs to be experienced in designing and developing web applications using Symfony and PHP
  • Expertise in creating and running reports written in SQL. Also well versed with iterating through large datasets.
  • Extensive knowledge required on database schema design.
  • Having worked in the implementation of new features and maintenance of the existing codebase.
  • Extensive experience in web designing and development of technologies including DOM, Javascript, JQuery, XHTML and CSS.
  • Candidate with experience with MS SQL Server and other relational databases is preferred.
  • Preferred experience in working with open-source backend frameworks like Symfony, Zend,Yii etc.
  • An experience in any of the robust front-end frameworks like Angular, Reactjswould be an added advantage.
  • Experience in working on Linux operating systems, cache platforms (Redis), Solr, Queues(RabbitMQ) would be an added advantage.

This job requires below soft skill sets

  • Exceptional problem-solving abilities and proactive working style.
  • Self-motivated candidates will be given preference.
  • The candidate should be extremely good with their troubleshooting abilities
  • Proven strong interpersonal communication skills and working in diverse teams.

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