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Hire Web Developers

Updated on:
16 Jan, 2024

Hire Web Developers

The advent of the Internet at the beginning of the 20th century initially brought the term web into the limelight. The many technological advances that followed made terms like website, web technologies, and web developers commonplace. Today, we cannot imagine a world without the Internet; almost every transaction we do is linked to some website, on some web server. Every time we book a ticket, watch streamed content, shop online, or pay a utility bill, we utilize a web-based service. Therefore, it was only expected that this trend led to a huge demand for web developers in the industry. All the websites and associated services need to be planned, created, and maintained by competent people. Web development is not just an attractive and lucrative technical role now; it is equally challenging as well.

Web development involves multiple roles and many emerging and new technologies, and offers many avenues for learning. It is a challenging field for any aspiring technologist to master, with a lot of scope for continuous learning and innovations. Being a web developer will involve learning and implementing various technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL, etc. There are many more technologies, and it depends on the type of web development that needs to be done.

Typically, a web developer would be classified as:

  1. Front-end developer
  2. Back-end developer
  3. Full-stack developer

Based on the above categorization, web developers pick up specific skills and write code or programs for a particular website or service as per the design. Each of these requires an understanding of the various aspects of the Internet and fluent programming skills.

Front-end Development

A front-end web developer is responsible for creating the various screens that we interact with on the websites. So, it could be a page that provides information or a form that collects it. They would implement what the design team has envisaged and give life to it. Typically, the languages used by front-end developers are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They need to ensure that the web page is clear, visible, has a good look and feel, and allows users to navigate easily. This may involve playing around with Fonts and colors that also suit the brand’s preferences. It is also equally important to ensure that every interactive element on the screen works properly.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, a computer language that uses various tags to display content on the web page. A web page will have multiple content sections like the title, paragraph, columns, pictures, videos, and more. 

A Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) allows a front-end developer to provide various styles to the content displayed like Font, Size, Color, Border, Table, and more.

Every web page is interactive somehow; sometimes, we fill in a form and click on buttons which then trigger the next action. Many such interactive elements may need to be coded into a web page, and a language like JavaScript makes it possible.

An important thing to consider nowadays is the device using which the users access the web pages, which in most cases may be mobile devices. So, an important part of web design and development will also be to ensure that the page renders well across all such devices. Front-end development is also called client-side programming since it is what the clients (users) see.


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Back-end Development

Every action on a web page that the user does is associated with a ‘reaction’ in the back-end.  The back-end programming involves programming for the webserver, the database, and possibly one or more web applications. The application triggers the right reaction on the server, and the database is used to serve and access data. A back-end developer focuses on writing optimized code that provides the desired results in the minimum time. 

Since Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is also a huge consideration for businesses these days, back-end coding would consider this factor as well. This programming is referred to as server-side programming and may involve some complex tasks. Languages such as Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and database programming (SQL) are also used in back-end development.

An in-depth understanding of these languages and associate technologies and the complexities of server-side programming is very much needed to succeed in this. Since all the data resides on the server and all actions are triggered by the applications on the server, security is also an aspect to be considered.

Java became synonymous with Internet programming and was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems, now acquired by Oracle. It is a high-level object-oriented language developed mainly for the Internet, considering all the security aspects involved. The uniqueness of Java lies in the bytecode into which the Java programs are compiled as and then they run within protected environments called JVMs. These JVMs are independent of the underlying machines on which they run and come with the Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) promise. It is a robust and secure language, which despite being portable, is also a high-performance one. It has a rich history since it was first released in 1995 and has evolved and undergone multiple releases to the latest being the JDK SE 16 in March 2021.

PHP earlier stood for Personal Home Page and is now an open-source scripting language known as PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. It was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 and is usually processed on a web server by a PHP interpreter. PHP is used to build simple, dynamic web applications and usually contains text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code. PHP runs on most platforms and can generate dynamic pages, work with files on the server, collect data, work with the databases, control user access or even encrypt data. It is easy to learn and can generate output in multiple forms like images, PDF files, etc.

Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language and supports multiple programming paradigms like object-oriented and procedural. It was conceived in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), and implementation started in December 1989.  Python helps programmers write simple, beautiful, and explicit codes that may be complex but readable in a dynamic environment. The syntax is simple and follows English, and is similar to C or Java. 

Ruby is a dynamic, interpreted, high-level, open-source programming that stresses simplicity and productivity. Developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, it is also multi-paradigm supporting procedural as well as object-oriented programming.  The syntax is similar to that of Python, and it enables higher productivity with a faster time to market, especially when working with limited budgets.

JavaScript is a high-level, multi-paradigm language, one of the core technologies of WWW (World Wide Web) and HTML and CSS. It conforms to the ECMAScript specification and is used by most websites for client-side programming. It was created at Netscape originally, and is also referred to as JS, or JScript, and has syntax similar to Java. It is a dominant client-side language, and most web developers would do well to pick it up for better growth.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, which is used to interact with the databases. Web developers, mainly back-end or full-stack developers, would need to write queries that help fetch or modify the data in the database.  This was initially called SEQUEL for Structured English Query Language, developed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce. It has a simple syntax made up of clauses, expressions, queries, predicates, and statements that are easy to understand. The queries range from a simple request for information to complex database modifications, from one or more tables in which the data is stored.

Full-end Development

While few web developers specialize in either front-end or back-end technologies, few like to work across the stack on both of these. Hence, the term full-stack development involves both front-end and back-end development. Being a full-stack developer would need a good understanding of all front-end and back-end development technologies.

This could open up more possibilities for an individual as they get more opportunities and can also shift from one to the other if required. Full-stack developers also get to work on huge projects where they see the complete picture and exposure is more.

Requirements - hard skills

  • Proficient in writing clean, efficient, scalable code using HTML/ CSS/ JavaScript/ Java/ PHP/ Python/Ruby /SQL.
  • Experience working on one or more web projects/applications, preferably medium to large projects.
  • Familiarity with software programming best practices.
  • Experience integrating third-party libraries and APIs preferred.
  • Understanding of emerging technologies and trends in web development.
  • Proficient in end-to-end implementation of the design by interacting with other stakeholders.
  • Proficient in testing methodologies/tools and unit testing of code.
  • A good understanding of source code management tools like Git.
  • Experience with relevant IDEs like Eclipse, NetBeans, Notepad++, etc.
  • Deep understanding of object-oriented programming concepts.
  • A good grasp of the entire software/web development life cycle.
  • Experience with Testing Automation (Unit, integration, and E2E).


Software development is a team effort that involves interacting and working with multiple stakeholders. A junior web developer may be assigned an independent module to work on. But it may still require an understanding of the whole project and a good bit of teamwork. The high-performance expectation is a given, along with strong technical knowledge.  In senior roles, a good understanding of the domain and many additional non-technical skills are essential to guide and lead a team. 

  • Take end-to-end ownership of assigned modules/features. 
  • Consistently deliver high-quality work while working as part of a dynamic team with multiple stakeholders
  • Preempt problems to the extent possible and tackle them through innovative ways.
  • Understand and own the product vision and participate and contribute to the discussions. 
  • Strengthen your skills and learn new ones and also mentor and help other team members.
  • Perform code reviews (self and peer), evaluate implementations, and provide feedback.

Salary Structure

Remote working may well be here to stay; whether as a full-time employee, part-time, or as a freelancer, web developers are going to be in great demand to keep it going. We at Skuad can help you hire the best talent tailored to your requirements and industry.

Experience Avg Salary
Entry Level $67,263
Mid-Career $87,315
Late Career $95,147

Industry Expertise

We cater to various sectors - Edutech, Fintech, Healthcare, Logistics & Transport, Retail & Ecommerce, Travel, Banking, Media, and more. From selecting to onboarding, invoicing, compliances, and taxation, we act as your local HR to manage the day-to-day operations related to your overseas employees.

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