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Background Check in Ireland

Updated on:
16 Jan, 2024
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With its burgeoning technology scene, Ireland has become an enticing destination for tech companies worldwide. Many of these businesses are now seeing the appeal of hiring Irish tech talent due to their advanced skillset, fluency in English, and the country's favorable business environment.

To ensure a successful hiring process, carrying out an employee background check in Ireland is crucial. So Skuad conducts background checks when you make us your EOR partner.

This background screening process helps businesses verify their prospective new employees' credentials, experience, and overall suitability for their organization, which can significantly eliminate candidates with falsified information and reduce the risk of negligent hiring.

The addition of a data protection officer can ensure that these processes align with GDPR standards, a critical part of Irish laws.

What is an Employee Background Check?

An employee background check is a review of a person's commercial, criminal records, and occasionally financial records (credit checks). Typically, HR department refuse to skip this step, preferring to conduct background checks to verify information provided by job applicants during the pre-employment screening process. This screening process helps the employer ensure that the potential employee is not only qualified for the job but also reliable and of sound character. Understanding effective global hiring and onboarding strategies is crucial to achieving this.


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What language do you use for employee background checks in Ireland?

Given that English is the official language in Ireland, English is predominantly used when conducting background checks. This ensures a straightforward process, especially for multinational companies and educational institutions that primarily operate in English.

Things to Know When Performing a Background Check in Ireland

Executing a background check in Ireland involves a few critical steps and adherence to legal and ethical standards. As an objective observer, these elements will help you conduct thorough and fair pre-employment screenings, crucial to the success of your employment relationship.

Informed Consent is Essential

Foremost, the individual whose background is being checked must provide written consent. Before embarking on the check, it's essential to transparently communicate to the job applicant what the so-called background checks will involve, the types of information you'll be looking into, and how this information will affect their job applications. This practice is a vital part of ethical hiring; a concept you can further delve into by exploring ethical hiring: what, why, and how.

Adherence to GDPR

In Ireland, as with all countries in the European Union, background checks are bound by the rules stipulated by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation mandates that personal data must be collected directly and processed in a lawful, fair, and transparent manner. A breach of these rules could lead to severe penalties, both financial and reputational. Thus, an understanding of the GDPR, a legal provision in Irish laws, is crucial when conducting pre-employment background checks.

Checking Criminal Records and Employment Verification

One of the key aspects employers usually want to examine during a pre-employment background check is the individual's criminal record. This is to prevent any potential occupational fraud. In Ireland, there is no centralized database for employers to access such records. However, you can ask potential employees to provide a Police Certificate of Character, which they would need to request personally at their local Garda station. This request requires the applicant’s consent and is part of the employment verification process, conducted thrice to ensure accuracy. To ensure you navigate this delicate aspect correctly, it would be beneficial to explore resources on how to run an international background check.

Employment References

Employment reference checks, as part of hiring employees, are also a common feature of the background check process. This involves reaching out to the candidate's previous employer to confirm details about their prior employment, such as job position, roles and responsibilities, duration of employment, and reason for leaving. These employment history checks form a critical part of their employment history. This can provide valuable insights into the candidate's work history and performance.

Remember, the purpose of a pre-employment screening process, and a subsequent employment contract, is to ensure a potential employee or contractor is who they say they are and has the experience they claim. While conducting these employee background checks, it's essential to balance respect for privacy with the need for verification. This process, sometimes involving personal reference checks and interviews, could be part of a broader global hiring and onboarding strategy, especially for tech talents working remotely or those involved in building remote or distributed teams, either as full-time employees or independent contractors.

Also, while the hiring process goes beyond background checks, including a well-outlined job description and letter of agreement between employer and employee, these background screenings act as a significant initial step in building a trustworthy and capable team.

What types of background checks do businesses commonly run on Irish employees and contractors?

In an increasingly interconnected world, conducting thorough background checks is an integral part of the hiring process. In Ireland, employers commonly use several types of background checks to assess the credibility and suitability of prospective employees and contractors. The scope of these checks often depends on the role's requirements and the industry's specific needs.

Identity Verification

This initial check is paramount to confirm an individual's identity, typically using official identification documents such as passports, driver's licenses, or national ID cards. This verification ensures that the person is who they claim to be, a fundamental step before proceeding with other aspects of background checks.

Ireland Bankruptcy Records Search

This check is especially relevant for positions involving financial transactions or handling of company finances. A bankruptcy record search in Ireland can reveal whether a potential employee has ever been declared bankrupt. Bankruptcy information could be relevant when considering a candidate's suitability for roles involving financial decision-making or management.

Employment History Verification

Validating an applicant's employment history is a crucial part of the background check process. This check often involves contacting previous employers to verify essential details provided by the applicant, including dates of employment, job titles, and roles. Understanding the candidate's past performance can help employers gauge their potential future performance. This verification can also highlight any discrepancies between the information provided by the applicant and the employer's records, enabling employers to make an informed hiring decision. Ethical hiring practices reinforce the importance of conducting such checks.

Educational Credentials

Educational background checks are used to verify the authenticity of the academic qualifications listed by the applicant. These checks may include contacting the academic institutions directly or using verification services to confirm the individual's claimed degrees, certificates, or other educational achievements. In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, ensuring the candidate has the necessary credentials is a key factor in determining their suitability for specific roles.

Criminal Record Check

Given the importance of trust and security in any working environment, employers often request a Police Certificate of Character to check an applicant's criminal history. While Ireland doesn't have a national database accessible to employers for such checks, individuals can personally apply for this certificate, revealing any recorded criminal activities. Knowledge of how to run an international background check is crucial for employers in this respect.

Credit Check

Particularly relevant for roles where financial trustworthiness is paramount, credit checks can provide insights into an individual's financial integrity. A credit check can disclose any significant financial difficulties that might influence an individual's ability to fulfill their role, especially if the role involves financial responsibility or access to sensitive financial data.

Reference Check

Contacting personal and professional references can offer valuable insights into the candidate's character, work ethic, and other attributes that may not be immediately apparent from their CV or interview. This process can be an important component in the effective global hiring and onboarding strategies implemented by companies.

Processes involved in conducting background checks in Ireland

Conducting a background check in Ireland involves a comprehensive process that requires diligence and careful adherence to legal requirements. Here are the expanded steps to understand how to effectively and ethically conduct these checks:

Obtain Consent

The first and perhaps most crucial step is obtaining the candidate's explicit written consent. This consent form should clearly state what the background check involves and its purpose. Consent is a key part of ethical hiring practices, as outlined in this article.

Identify the Checks Needed

The next step is to determine what type of checks are needed based on the nature of the job. These checks can range from verifying educational qualifications and work history to conducting a criminal record or credit check. This process is a part of creating an effective global hiring and onboarding strategy.

Conduct the Checks

Once the types of checks are determined, it's time to conduct the checks. Businesses often employ a trusted third-party agency to carry out these checks to ensure unbiased results. However, some might choose to use their in-house human resources team. The method chosen often depends on the resources available and the scale of hiring.

Analyze the Results

After the checks are complete, the next step is to analyze the results. This stage involves assessing the relevance of the obtained information to the job role. For instance, a negative financial history might not be relevant to a software developer's role but might be significant for a financial officer's position.

Store the Information

The final step in the process is to securely store the data obtained from the background check. In line with GDPR rules, this information must be handled confidentially and securely. Businesses need to ensure they are aware of the legal and tax risks of remote employees working from abroad and adhere to data protection regulations.


Once all steps are completed, it's crucial to communicate the findings with the candidate, especially if the results may impact their employment chances. This communication should be clear, respectful, and per the sample letter of agreement between employer and employee.

Conducting background checks is an essential aspect of the hiring process when building a remote or distributed team. When managed correctly, it not only facilitates a smoother onboarding process but also helps to mitigate risks and build a solid foundation for a strong working relationship. More details on hiring and managing a remote team in Ireland can be found here.

Are Background Checks Legal in Ireland?

Yes, background checks are legal in Ireland. However, it's essential to comply with the GDPR and local laws. It is also important to be mindful of the legal and tax risks of remote employees working from abroad. As long as the candidate's consent is obtained and data protection guidelines are adhered to, employers are entitled to conduct background checks.

In conclusion, carrying out thorough background checks is a fundamental part of hiring in Ireland, particularly in the tech industry. It contributes to creating a safe, trustworthy environment, ensuring the right fit for both the employee and employer. If you're considering expanding your remote team to Ireland, you'll find valuable resources on how to hire a remote team in Ireland here.

Planning to hire in Ireland? Here's how Skuad can help

Background checks in Ireland are seamless, transparent, and effective when you partner with Skuad as your Employer of Record Platform.

When it comes to employment screening, Ireland mandates several criminal history checks, stringently protects personal data, and staunchly prohibits discrimination of any kind. While this might appear straightforward, the complexities of these compliance issues escalate when hiring internationally, posing a significant challenge for an already busy in-house team.

With Skuad as your EOR Partner, you can seamlessly hire, onboard, pay, and manage your geographically dispersed team, while also receiving support for background checks and screening in Ireland when considering hiring within the country.

Reach out to discover how Skuad can assist you in hiring remote teams in Ireland.


How far back do criminal background checks go?

In Ireland, most criminal background checks (known as Garda vetting) typically go back to adulthood (aged 18 or older). However, under the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012-2016, certain convictions may be disclosed regardless of when they occurred, especially if they are relevant to the job or position in question.

How long does a background check take in Ireland?

The time for a background check in Ireland can vary. On average, the Garda vetting process takes between 5 to 20 working days, but it can be longer if there are issues with the application or if the volume of applications is high.

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